Closing out the Easter road toll at a mere twenty one deaths, numbers fall short by six dead on the target set by 2005. Shallow graves in accounting as the stark reality bites home that the end of ends has been hard fought in a time of much chocolate.
Charging out with the numbers and increasing their tally by three, New South Wales put away a clean nine as their contribution to the national count.
Five behind, the hordes of Queensland bettered themselves by one to shoot up a four hit. Scrambling on their backside, Victoria, coming down off a massive high of eight were third with three on the board.
Missing out on a stunning margin of five bodies on the heap of previous, South Australia marked a deuce. This number flies against the impressive start lead out in the first 24 hours of the road toll period. SA tie with Western Australia smearing their own pair of skid marks.
Close on the heels and coming back from an absence in 2005, the Northern Territory put forth a blunt one to hold out the fifth spot and off the bottom of the ladder.
Losing out by one from their single mark of last year, Tasmania were free of human road kill. Sadly still, for the third season running, the ACT ran into the end with not a single fatality to their name for 2006.
For some conservative wranglers, solace in at least a rise from the toll of another nature.
Written on Tuesday, 18 April 2006