The Wax Conspiracy

cityrail reviews and articles

Reviews and articles tagged cityrail which may also interest your reading time.

Modern day explosionists and their distractions

See something, say something, do the work they know you may very well do for them. Campaign for the commuters against terrorism and such. They not otherwise taken by hours of lost sleep drooling ...

Written Friday, 9 March 2007 under Paranoid Times

Blitzkrieg on the inspektors stationed at the gates

With the influx of newly uniformed ticket inspectors flooding the train stations of Sydney comes the reasoning for some fare evaders that a charging of the bulls is in order.

Written Friday, 18 July 2003 under The Human Stain

Wicked Witch of the West Heads up State Rail!!

Since we are on a State Rail thread here I have another theory to offer. It seems that whenever a tiny bit of water falls from the sky i.e. RAIN, the entire State Rail transportation ...

Written Wednesday, 16 April 2003 under Paranoid Times

Paging the Red Eyed Medics of Strife

Security on CityRail trains is nothing and nowhere to be seen at the best of times. These so-called guards of safety have been known to get upset when commuters quite audibly yell into their ears ...

Written Tuesday, 15 April 2003 under Paranoid Times

"something something Sir Munkee something something."

It's becoming more and more apparent that the Millennium trains are not, especially in this forced metaphor, the promised land of the transport system.

Written Friday, 11 April 2003 under Paranoid Times

Hey Mister, You're On Fire Mister!

Peak Hour on the Cityrail network is hectic at best. Yesterday in the sweltering city of Sydney, at approximately 1600hrs, an advertising blitz was carried out.

Written Thursday, 5 December 2002 under Media and Marketing

Terror on the rails

With TERRORISM being the buzzword of the decade it would seem that the factional few who are out there to recruit new members are finding it harder than first thought.

Written Thursday, 31 October 2002 under Paranoid Times

Campaign lures train

Be warned that the following is bad, real bad work. Earlier in the week a Millennium train was spotted on the South line of the Cityrail network. This follows the increasing number of posters ...

Written Saturday, 7 September 2002 under Paranoid Times

Millennium trains kidnapped

It has now been approximately one month since anyone has reported seeing one of the new Millennium trains. In July 2002 a corporation known as Cityrail unveiled a new line of trains that would ...

Written Friday, 6 September 2002 under Paranoid Times

The Wax Conspiracy


