Starting is the hardest. 2,3 times. Anagrama, June 10, 1997. Sunset orange. Anagrama. A Spanish word lost in a sea of French. A remnant of the Franco-Spanish war. Like catholic channel islanders who religion is dictated by proximity to france. Slow start. 9:31
Pretty start, gives way to cyclic-mello bursts. Then noise in stereo. Improvisation added. Rhythmic sparks against drums. Then fade out. 2.54
Tremens, trembling. From the latin. Nearly a break-beat. Another sortie, a shortie,a short one. Doom hop. No way to rhyme over this. nightmares, agitation, global confusion, disorientation. a playful end 3.22
better: corrosion. The most apt title. Pure noise traveling through the brain. Sawing into the auditory cortex. Left to right to left to right, with siren now. Neural crux neutered. effects felt in the frontal lobe. 6.54
The same left and right. Diamond sea long/ a radio trying to find its way. Wowowowowow. dutch. Bedrooms with whipped cream. September 2 1997. Washing maxhine sessions? Easy. This was a songwith no words. Or that didn’t fit words. no. This is a thousand leaves. Chivvied up this did fit words. The ineefable me/ Hate castrater
Hate castrater
Hate castrater. A pussy's job. A cum junkie's job raves the way an ineffable me could never. party music 17.44
Dutch still. Stil, quiet or silent. quiet. Defiantly not silent. miore grist for the thousand leaves mill. S scritching around, new wage sounds. Something of the ira Kaplan in the guitars 7.27
memories. Voices as instruments. I believe you, KG 3.28
"Invito al ĉielo" ("An Invitation to Heaven"). Esperanto. Who says the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho couldn’t be free jazz? Not as wild as Walker descending into that bar in Point Blank. Woozy towards the end,.February 24 to March 2, 1998. JO’R soon to be a member. You can hear it in the voices .KG’s and a looped tape, sped up slowed down. Musique concrète. This is JO’R. Sound is the vocabulary of nature.
— Pierre Schaeffer 20.54
Hungarian life. A blind spot. The two Bélas, Balázs and Tarr. of film, naturally. Formalist and a realist? Softer, string scrapings. But an insistent thump. A turin horse?6.16
Radio amateurs. Amateur radio. Middle Grey. Slow burn that pays off. Insistent march. Mismatched impedance, multipath distortion. common
cause of ghosts
Pre-echo. Then collapse. 29.21
Orchid (Crayola). Start at the start/ November 16, 999. Goodbye 20th Century. Edges. Christian Wolfff. ....For trombone, piano and viola.... new York sounds. NYC ghosts and flowers makes sense now 16.03
Six. 3rd take. John Cage. percussion September 1991 Slagwerk Den Haag (Percussion The Hague) Time brackets contain single sounds. Long sounds should be played softly, using tremolo and/or with brushes. 3.03
Deep listening. listening and responding to environmental conditions in solo and ensemble situations/ 6 for new time. This one
This one ad nauseum
Good fortune
No time
Being 8.06
+- (1987) Takehisa Kosugi. Fluxux. Process over product. Hey, that’s what this is/
Takehisa Kosugi (1938-2018) 7.01
"Voice Piece for Soprano" Yoko but really Coco 0:17
Pendulum music, 1968. Process music. Sounds kinda fluxic. Sounds like coco too. 5:55
---Koan: Having Never Written a Note for percussion (For John Bergamo)~[Excerpt]. Slow rise, insistent. Shane Carruth title. Wonder what Tenne y makes of the idea of the inherent goodness of people and nature. 9:09
"Six (4th Take)". Cage, the wunderkind. “Time brackets contain single sounds. Long sounds should be played softly, using tremolo and/or with brushes.” Cinderblock crashes at the end there. 2:10
Christian Wolff, slight return. Burdocks, truncated and updated: Something of the kid koala in the scratches there. Plaintive and jarring at the same time. Saucepan ,usic. 13:12
The wunderkind again. Another number piece: Four6, for any way of producing sounds. A slog, 30:01. Settle in. note the nice bit of symmetry: “Six (4th Take)”/"Four6". Arcane rules, Can be performed as a solo (first player's part) with One. What? Rules remain impenetrable even on listening. let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, tiniest taste of Conjunto Kollahuara El Condor Pasa, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,
Piano Piece No. 13 by George Maciunas. Fluxik founding member and coordinator. (Carpenter's Piece) (For Nam June Paik).
Pièce enfantine. Does what it say s sur la boîte 1:28
Page 183 from Treatise, Cornelius Cardew, 1967: 3:27
International Spy. Less le Carré, more euro-trash bop. KG on this one. Short songs hard to keep up. 2:43
Neu pronounced New. ミュージカル パ一スペクティブ (Myūjikaru pāsupekutibu), (Musical Perspectives) 2:37
Lovetap, lve tap by my side. A song of spectral invasion. Appropriate for the time of writing 31/10/2021. 6:19
(note: greatest discrepancy between posted times and the lived reality.)Big interval s, doing lots with reverb. Stuck on gum. Nice little pun. Nearly halfway there, breezy little thing.. never heard it before Make it better make it wetter. Dub? 4:10
contra quién. Noise laden fried mushroom./ first of the slogs8:40, but with traditional scratching. First real sense of olive despite his name on the first song. No, this is pure noise. But with release: RT: Storm's getting worse. Mal: We'll pass through it soon enough. Return to
Industrial grind against mournful horns. Bird twitter whistls. Mammary/memoryy? Lemony memories. 6:42
Late-era swans, thor-work percussion. Just at th e beginning. “We are the princesses” with “I hear the Drummer” intensity3:39 and Boards of Canada nostalgia.
No, this is another one. Heather angel unwind star power radical adults lick godhead style. Can’t quite hear it. Over now with radical kim whine or sick croon. Trademark. 4:27
Darkfield radio suggestive noise and electronics. Xyla-aesthetique. May 30, 2000. Round round numbers. Jaunty little outro for a jauntly little record.7:53
say goodbye to the 20th Century
Reviewed on Monday, 1 November 2021