The Wax Conspiracy

Modern day explosionists and their distractions

See something, say something, do the work they know you may very well do for them. Campaign for the commuters against terrorism and such. They not otherwise taken by hours of lost sleep drooling on the shoulders of strangers and finding spasm attacks in the middle of a nap.

Observational black walks spot a mysterious and crafty munk of air quality control testing equipment currently holding tight to a pillar at Cityrail's Town Hall Station in Sydney.

beware strange declarations
Operation: Air Monitor equipped in Town Hall station

The simple sheet proclaiming, "Air monitoring equipment in operation. (Black Suitcase)" just underneath a case of grey hue. Quick to quip, a passer-by by the name of Dan (not of Captain rank) asks curiously, "Are you sure it isn't a bomb!!!" Curiously in the fact that it is in the supposed form of a question and yet trails off with no sign of question marks to speak of.

Pay attention would-be artisans of fear. Double switching attention is at work here.

A black suitcase that is not a suitcase and more the size of a briefcase brings all the focus on that fact at first. And to some, the only thought to skitter past the ears. Sleight of hand in the work of the mystery guest with the post script of much exclamatory pose adds to the direction.

All the while a little box of a quiet nature sits adjacent, all eyes on the case with holes and a straw sticking out the side.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 9 March 2007

The Wax Conspiracy



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