With the influx of newly uniformed ticket inspectors flooding the train stations of Sydney comes the reasoning for some fare evaders that a charging of the bulls is in order. As such, the variance in height and girth of these recruits remains in the vicinity of fast pacing and in the other, sturdy stoppage.
On sighting the ticket officers the runaway lunged forth and tried to maul one of the inspectors. Futility met his attempt as the supporting inspectors came to the defence, pushed the man over and started kicking him for good measure.
Initial speculation placed the man's fragile state of mind in the Jewish concentration camps of Auschwich, Germany. The flurry of conjecture and presumption stems from the fact that the uniforms remind many of the secret soldiers of the Hilter led Nazi army. In addition to this, the attitudes and apparent sense of power complete the package.
Though severely beaten the man on the ground did manage to make an escape but not before biting into the leg of one of the assailants. Actual police officers arrived on the scene shortly after but were torn between chasing after the beaten or the dispersing beaters.
It was later revealed that the group were part of a rival gang who fashioned their "uniforms" in attempt to evade notice and almost justify a public beating of one of the lower ranked members of an opposing gang.
Written on Friday, 18 July 2003