The Wax Conspiracy

dinosaurs reviews and articles

Reviews and articles tagged dinosaurs which may also interest your reading time.

Dinosaurs 3D: Giants of Patagonia - IMAX Sydney, Darling Harbour

Dip the 3D glasses in the sink and hand them fresh to the patrons. Watch as they find a speckle of water on their lenses and force themselves to smooth out the warp of plastic in the novelty size ...

Reviewed 15 June 2007 under Film and DVD

Walking With Dinosaurs: The Live Experience - Acer Arena - 14/01/07

Distraction is watching the flashes smash against the flickering play of lights from merchandise spread aplenty from the stands. Much as the force of bright ruins the natural colours of a shot in ...

Reviewed 16 January 2007 under Exhibitions, Expositions and Events

it makes children detonate explosives... that's why flies carry communications from outer space

I spent a good hour and a half of my day today watching Jurassic Park III. I had been warned that it wasn't that great a movie, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for the horror ...

Reviewed 24 October 2002 under Film and DVD

The Wax Conspiracy


