The Wax Conspiracy

Numbing the nerved

The major channels still work hard to make sure the day is News-Free, repeating the sports numbers; the only difference between them being volume. The order of events varies from time to time but the unspoken message of repetition and baffling irrelevance is keeping the people stupid yet entertained: the flaw of the media. To inform minus the entertainment component is ratings suicide.

Baffling ad campaigns have equally baffling successors when the right plugs are pulled. Dodo internet have converted the "fat kid" ad campaign into "bespectacled woman" series of ads. No longer making a point of a fat kid's penchant for pies, the campaign retains the caped flightless namesake of the company, this time visiting the home of someone who isn't lead by their stomach. No reason has been given for the young foodbag's dismissal; one can only assume "inappropriate behaviour" on he or the dodo's behalf, or some kind of dead-whore incident that most companies would prefer to cover than reveal. Interstices reveal more than their surrounds; you just need the right kind of vision.

In all accounts, a person in charge is not necessarily a person in touch with the outside, and in cases, the inside.

Water sinks to the lowest point; moss can guide you north.

Jimmy Weasel

Written on Wednesday, 28 May 2003

The Wax Conspiracy


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