The Wax Conspiracy

When investigative journalists don't attack

Enduring evermore of late the focus on bombs in London trains and double-decker buses, an enterprising producer for Channel 7 found the humble box cutter no longer an instant generator of fear in kind proportions.

Inspired perhaps by a CNNNN report on terrorism in commerical flights broadcast last year, the Channel 7 news producer allegedly breached the Federal Air Navigation Act by the very act of drawing attention to herself with the act.

In the item by The Firth Factor, a recurring column of CNNNN, reporter Charles Firth outlined the rampant disregard investigative journalists had for airplane security. Smuggling fake bombs and nail clippers aboard domestic flights, the journalists would cover their tracks of an Anglo-Saxon attempt to join their Muslim extremist compatriots.

Suffering a double indignity, the item itself fails to generate much interest beyond footnotes.

Ethan Switch

Written on Saturday, 6 August 2005

The Wax Conspiracy

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