The Wax Conspiracy

Humphrey B Bear on the loose, pantsless and destitute

On the run with no pants and no shirt, slippery is the bear unable to utter a self-incriminating word and without a place to call home. Tales of bankruptcy, shilling and going underground lie in the wake of wrapping up Banksia Productions. The owner and stable of Humphrey B. Bear, among other lesser cause-noting properties, done in by the South Australian Supreme Court.

Debts, to the auto-tune of $50,000, to Channel Nine going undone and unpaid and leaving the barren Bear without the tartan waist-coast off his back. Now all in his furry naked glory save for the dapper straw boater.

Days later, the name appearing amidst the scattering mess of shares over BrisConnections and the investors running back and forth with a myriad of identity issues. False, fake and out of the blue names, all used in the transfer to wash their hands over toxic stock with the aim to skirt the pay back.

"BrisConnections faces a nightmarish cash hunt for investors who have transferred their units into false names - including one who allegedly used the moniker "Humphrey B Bear"."

Life worsening for Bear looking to recover on his own. With the stench of poison stocks leeching his good name, security and background checks for new leases and employment will make making means meaner. First the ever impending threat of being done in for public indecency and now having to walk around with a name in dirt turning to tricks for income.

Calling out against such a reputation slathering of the Ursidae member on the block, the search in modesty blaise for a potential new owner to thread the pockets with new cash. "I hope there will be a purchaser to keep Humphrey going," said Marius Rudaks, of Maris Rudaks and Associates (the company behind the liquidation of Banksia).

Merely a week on his own and already facing life as a bear-slave trade card.

Bear is not meant to live alone in the world of humans.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 24 April 2009

The Wax Conspiracy


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