The Wax Conspiracy

Religious Old Stones Reveal Decaying Old Stones

For weeks temporary building barricades surrounded the Uniting Church in Sydney. The sign out in front read, "Please bear with us as we repair our façade." Primary colours lead to the development of secondary and then tertiary and what many believed was that it was just a simple stone cleaning or refurbishment of the decades old relic of religious standing.

The scaffolding and debris now cleared away the church has kept to its old charm and decayed state of disrepair. From the images prior to those held now, the difference is infinitesimal if at all. With the signs previous asking for patience in times of a repair the stunning old look of negligence has lead a few to float the notion that the façade in question related to the dealings of the church in the media and the populace.

Lying under the beacon of right and seriously wrong, nary a mention is made for the state of the church and whether or not it is fit to operate based on the motives and actions carried out in its gloriously bloodshed history. Time under the radar of public scrutiny has indeed been fairly kind to the relic of old thought.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 12 September 2003

The Wax Conspiracy

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