The Wax Conspiracy

Move along, nothing to see here

Not taking to the wrists as originally expected, former NSW Liberal leader, John Brogden, today decided to step out of politics. Unable to complete a ride into suicide, Brogden will be able to shy away from the glare of the public and media.

Such distractions calling to notice attempts at self-harm, possibly thwarting the member for Pittwater's chances at personal execution.

Dead to rights and watching the ire of students and academics, Federal Education Minister Brenden Nelson, threw the resources of police in his body line. Nelson is increasingly wary of facing actual people affected by the implementation of voluntary student unionism.

Nelson cites diverting officers away from other duties as a reason for not attending a talk at Sydney University earlier today. Despite allocations already serving the campus.

Not everything can taste like chicken. The delectable blubber of whale finds no worthy substitute for Japanese cuisine. Research is always under way at the best ratio of whales to human consumption.

Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Science Museum in Tokyo and Kyoichi Mori of the Ogasawara Whale Watching Association finally harpooned images of Architeuthis, a giant squid the size of a magic shool bus.

Preliminary reports indicate no mention of slaying whales for lunches. Reports on the affect of the new squid on tastebuds still remain at large.

Diversionary tactics have been given unto the world another work out phase.

Ethan Switch

Written on Wednesday, 28 September 2005

The Wax Conspiracy

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