The Wax Conspiracy

Commercial short cuts seize upon air wallowing inside heads

Continuing the fine tradition of many sporting ceremonies, the opening of the eighteenth Commonwealth Games last night threw open the skies with minds of audiences expanding free from costly medications and supplements.

Fooling athletes and spectators on the strength and existence of recreational and drugs, images of flying trams and giant koalas were beamed across screens with a sense of realism known to many in smoky dungeons and backroom disco sections. Live and in full spectrum stereo, the figures and forms floated across the fields with unknown clarity.

Even the inane commentary of various media outlets jockeying on the eardrums could not scatter the illicit prescription. Those beset with social problems looking to lock the world out partook along with the rest of the stadium and watchers live.

Not a single spectator reports to visual stimulation through assistance in sniffing sample petrol. That is reserved for people outside the stadium.

On the inclusion of the omission of recognition of this land's forebears, the Queen's opening message ushered in the games.

Taking out Australia's first medal of the games, Erika Yuriko Yamasaki in the weightlifting. Stealing more than three times her own body weight, the 18 year old throwing up more than three times her own body weight. Anna Meares, on the ring of the cycle track, picked up the first gold for Australia's quota.

Ethan Switch

Written on Thursday, 16 March 2006

The Wax Conspiracy

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