The Wax Conspiracy

Smelling salts of salvation in scripture

Poker machines in club and gaming lounges seem that ever more enticing when the air ducts are surreptitiously wafting aromas reminiscent of hugs and home. It's the main reason the addicted and problem gamblers come back day after day for more punishment.

This technique is something a new breed of religious zealots have yet to master. These recruiters—found with a disturbing frequency on train station platforms—dispense odd smelling pamphlets and brochures on the benefits of turning to a higher being in times of crisis. Accompanying the leaflets is an even funkier odour attached on to the clothes and garments of those distributing the throwaways.

Subjugation to the religious fold is the agenda here, the aroma of questionability the chains and net. Enslavement of the minds of the masses is going on but as the majority of commuters on the rail networks are forced to accept the disembodied announcements as the word of the day, the displacement to the movement is going unnoticed and unchecked.

Ethan Switch

Written on Thursday, 10 April 2003

The Wax Conspiracy



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