The Wax Conspiracy

Brandon Routh is the new unknown Christopher Reeve

Flooding a tsunami of glamour shots and Halloween costumes, the rumour mills have latched onto the prospect that relative unknown Brandon James Routh has been cast into the freshly emptied shoes of Superman. Official word from the gullets of Warner Bros. themselves is yet to come though an announcement is expected later in the week.

Capitalising on the montage-fest surrounding Reeve's cardiac arrest into failure, the makers and shakers of the highly anticipated return of Clark Kent/Superman to the silver screen, tentatively entitled Superman Returns. have pounced around the grave of the solid state of Christopher Reeve who still awaits internment and even the burial plot to vacate itself of the soil, worms and roots currently holding residence.

The timing for the release of the expected 2006 ballyhooed blockbuster also plays on the dates of the now forever motionless Reeve and upcoming Routh. October 9, date of death for one man, the birth of another and the confirmation that two living Superman stars of the silver screen is too much for the universe to handle.

22-10-04: Superhero Hype publish the official press release issued by Warner Bros. confirming Bryan Singer's option to go with the unknown actor.

Ethan Switch

Written on Tuesday, 19 October 2004

The Wax Conspiracy

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