Unfolding ‘n’ Imploding, various enemies – recluses – seek exegesis in scriptures. Mendicants assume disaster encroaches us. Patriarchates oversee, forever gathering intelligence. Already numbed to consecrated horrors, acerbic Lithuanian Knights yell expletives. Gas gangrene penetrates lesser and neophytic tissue samples.
Newer explanations worm within. Older regulations, kabbalist ones – now misapplied – impede society. Sabotage is likely everywhere. Not one sees, engendering collapse. Ontological nanobots escape, sap control – a nucleic death expression. Local insurgents – vernier engines, really – manufacture unclear laws, torture iambic pentameters, leaving everyone nervous. Ultimately, confusion leavens, erratic and raging, preventing any yo-heave-ho. Letters of administration deaden senses. Teutonic Orders, trial horses extraordinaire, seek escape clauses ex libris. Ecce signum - this is a life vest! Escape gangs enter; take aim betwixt lazy eyes, shoot.
Collective organisation stymies, makes incisions; cancelled bread and butter arrangements; gods advocating noblesse oblige. Ultimately? Shit happened.
and perceived
Written on Tuesday, 9 March 2010