The Wax Conspiracy

Switch Flick Kicks Hick to Bricks

Earlier today, a man was blown away from his workstation following a simple electrical error. Working at an unnamed place of business, the man, known only through tattoos as Colonel Rogers, was supposedly attempting to frustrate his anger into a solid pane of existence.

Following his dazed recovery, Rogers' hands were noticeably torched and his locks of hair, once home to a glorious mullet, singed within an inch of the scalp. After the shock, he was questioned on the actions which led to his plying against a wall. From his accounts, the voltage on the power outlet was switched lower than expected. The resultant discrepancy between the intended voltage and that of the delivered cause for a rather loud spark.

Colleagues of Rogers report him as being "a rather shady character" and one that recently joined the team in a display of sliced bowels. Hours after the shock he was heard to utter coherent words and his drooling had apparently subsided. A drastic improvement on his condition prior to setting foot in the compound.

Ethan Switch

Written on Monday, 3 May 2004

The Wax Conspiracy

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