The Wax Conspiracy

Still waters drown sheep

Lateral thinkers are being lured in the lead up to the NSW State Elections. In a broadcast advertisement, the Greens have all but eluded to the widely held belief that a vote for any other party than the two major stalwarts—Labor or Liberal—is a wasted vote.

So it would seem as though they have taken this policy of theirs to the streets and campaigned in the style most befitting of those of a rampantly curious nature.

While other parties may line up in front of the human traffic of the masses moving about their day, they have chosen to employ a sidelining tactic. Instead of the usual blockage and "in your face" stance used by other parties, the Greens of Liverpool have set up a booth underneath shade and in a corner set deep within a building block. They seem to be content in the knowledge that confronting the electorate will do them no good. Reception would be most unkind.

Instead they are resigned to the fact that only a small few will actually seek them out for any kind of information or guidance. Add to this the fact that the ALP candidate, Paul Lynch has used the other side of their sandwich board and we are seeing perhaps the most honest party out there at the moment.

Long live the old growth forests destined to be pulped.

Ethan Switch

Written on Sunday, 16 March 2003

The Wax Conspiracy



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