The Wax Conspiracy

Splattered mosquitos in summertime hair

Whispers take on the enemy of the sounds as the mosquitoes, gnats and buzzing of wasps cloud the space. Beyond the stench of it all is the deadening noise. A harassing free for all for all in ear shot.

Masking the scene of the situation, the droning is incessant, the rhythm hypnotic and the snapping painful to deal with all across the skin. Never enough lotion to cover the problem. Never enough when it's not even on the inventory.

And they shoot the young boy carrying the backpack for this reason alone.

Harsh, but the tempers are on a boil with the advantage tipping over toward the other side.

This clearly wasn't in the terms of conditions.

Ethan Switch

Written on Wednesday, 31 May 2006

The Wax Conspiracy

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