The Wax Conspiracy

Six too many drinks fourteen days later

Found abandoned in a parking lot behind a hotel over two weeks ago a yellow Toyota Corolla sedan has finally been removed from the premises. Sporting smashed windows and unburnt upholstery, the vehicle was at the rear parking lot of the public house for what seemed closer to a fortnight than two weeks.

Rampantly putative amongst the denizens who frequent the surrounding scrub area during midnight scratching sessions is the belief that the vehicle was involved in either a getaway or the inhuman victim of a robbery. Obvious disdain for the evidence at foot lent a helping hand toward the body of conjecture and invalid extrapolation.

Capriciously scattered in a helter-skelter formation lay a suggestive spattering of shards of glass. Falling underneath and a few centimetres away from the vehicle the glass suggested an internal struggle involving the occupants wherein the force of the situation directed the liquid solid to lose cohesion and composure thereby providing a panoply of dangerous sole slicers.

During the fourteen day stay at the far end of the bay no hay or clothes in disarray were found in the way.

Ethan Switch

Written on Thursday, 29 May 2003

The Wax Conspiracy



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