The Wax Conspiracy

Politics, polling and a little protest proclamation for people

Saturday across New South Wales this coming and the State elections hamming up sweaty lines. Mighty fine grime covered people will out and turn in their voices to either re-elect the Labour government headed by Morris Iemma. Or switch track, signal an upcoming polar flip with the future choice of Federal and protest with a slide in of Liberals behind Peter Debnam.

Either way the protest falls, each and every one is open to make their statements known.

And for the dissenters and stunt throwers, a little in the following will not go astray in questioning the room.

  1. Take the voting ballot and head toward the booth. Vote whichever way the mind, wallet and propaganda will allow. Making sure to be wary of preference flow, it matters.
  2. Fold and double check as instructed.
  3. Crossing the floor to get to the ballot box, pause in the middle.
  4. Firmly and loudly shriek—shrieking is an essential and effective distraction technique—a proclamation along the lines of:

    "[Frell|Frack|Expletive of choice]! I've made the biggest mistake of my life! I just voted [Liberal|Labour|Hated party of choice]!"

  5. Place ballot in box.
  6. Calmly exit the polling station.

End results may vary depending on influence.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 23 March 2007

The Wax Conspiracy

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