The Wax Conspiracy

Peter Brock fatally crashes out on Irwin's Khaki Day

Clipping another smashing fine week for tributes to media saturation of the oiled and fallen, certified racing legend Peter Brock primes the funeral pump with his passing.

Slamming around a tree during day two of the Targa West rally session, Brock's co-driver, Mick Hone, only suffered prangs to his chassis. There is no hope for ironing out the shock sustained to the Daytona Coup.

On the same week that saw Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin seize up brakes after a hit by a stingray during filming, Brock also wrote off his equipment doing what he loved most.

Quick to point out of course, that running partners with the Grim Reaper, as the camera crew or back seat driver, not the activity of passion in question.

And, like many incredible cellophane chewing psychics, Brock's ex-wife, Beverley, claims to have had a premonition about his death. That she chose to keep quiet until after the result only strengthening her prescient hit rate and cementing out any chances of reconciling their marriage.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 8 September 2006

The Wax Conspiracy

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