The Wax Conspiracy

Metrosexual Males Make up Minority

Seeking to measure the male market of manly moisturisers and makeup, Vaseline Intensive Care have released figures on their studies on the British male.

Their findings have concluded that 92% still manage to consider the simple act of brushing teeth as part of the daily rituals.

The findings reveal that the Brit male identifies more with US Homer Simpson than struggling for coverage UK muso, Robbie Williams. With all the pipes leading to the same place, a fifth of those surveyed admitted to urinating in the shower. Speaking of which, 5% of those polled confessed to using their toothbrush even after it fell into the toilet.

As no Seinfeld marathons are planned for the immediate future, this looks more like Vaseline's way of introducing a the launch of one of their new products.

The top ten 'Daily Essentials' as determined by British men:
1. Brush teeth - 92%
2. Morning tea or coffee - 68%
3. Brush/comb hair - 55%
4. Exercise e.g. gym/jog - 36%
5. After-work alcoholic drink - 19%
6. Cigarettes - 19%
7. Bar of chocolate - 17%
8. Face moisturiser - 13%
9. Body moisturiser - 6%
10. Make-up - 1%

Ethan Switch

Written on Monday, 25 August 2003

The Wax Conspiracy

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