The Wax Conspiracy

Kegs of beer, water on the drain

Earlier in the month it was reported that a man fell folly to a sudden drop in altitude. In the brutal starkness of daylight, Richard Carter plummeted past a grate into a metre deep drain. This despite the fact that a section of the underlying support eroded away. But clarity is in hindsight.

The proprietors of the establishment have finally taken to covering the taker of Timmys in wells. Now instead of a gaping hole in the bitumen, a large white board of MDF sits under two empty beer barrels.

Moving to massage the mockery of a drunkard who is unable to locate the bearings of the ground beneath their feet, it seems to be a temporary solution. At least for now, but then solutions that seem okay and operational now often outstay their welcome until a death occurs and a more permanent answer is sought.

Carter now seem to be suffering from mild anxiety attacks when walking over other pavement structures such as glass tiles, gratings and cement covers.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 25 July 2003

The Wax Conspiracy


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