The Wax Conspiracy

Fourteenth: The start, the recap, the flashback, the spotted witness

Acid trips and the world falls down laughing with the pill. The Games of the XXXVIII Olympiad have started proper with two points of solid exclamation and buckets spewing paranoia and political laterals.

Choreographed to the leading events of the bloodstream, the organisers of the opening ceremony weaved loaded drops of hedonism and hallucinations into scenes artistic. Wild images, strange floating bodies dangling blue from the wired skies, and the nakedness of Greek myth spread-eagled for the buji multi-million viewing global audience. Performance enhancing for some, recreational for others, the candies here are the lollies from the street corners and dancefloors. Take two and plan things in the morning, running faster than you ought to be.

The People's Republic of China scored the first gold of the games with a lady by the name of Li Du shooting for the medal. Turbulent are the times and the flavour of the handheld fires blasts of gunpowder followed up with bullets of lead. This is the warning to the terrorists looking for their soft targets, the Olympics award the sharpshooters. Get out of their way.

Ethan Switch

Written on Sunday, 15 August 2004

The Wax Conspiracy

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