The Wax Conspiracy

Faux Fur Fools Frugal Fashion Fiends

Charles Montgomery Burns may have a sickeningly cruel fetish for skinning the backs of small and rare beasts to furnish a genuine animal fur wardrobe but at least the man knows what he's buying into. But for those who can't stomach the thought of slashing throats but still ache for pelts the alternative has been in the trim of faux fur.

Apart from the price, the look of faux and real fur is nigh indistinguishable and for many wanting the look of a proud huntsman after a slaughter, this has been a great buying alternative. But what many people don't know is that under a certain price threshold, the labelling of the garment might not accurately reflect the actual material make-up.

According to the Fund for Animals, real fur can still be found due to the misleading notice of labels.

"Before you buy your child that attractive fur-trimmed jacket for school, you should know that looks (and labels) can be deceiving," says Pierre Grzybowski, Grassroots Coordinator for the Fund. "Consumers want to make an informed decision, but they are prevented from doing so by a loophole in the labeling requirements."

"Fur is cruel and unnecessary," says Grzybowski. "There are plenty of warm and fashionable alternatives available. I urge people to never buy real fur and only buy faux if the label is absolutely clear."

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 12 September 2003

The Wax Conspiracy

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