A relationship exists on a subconscious level between the mind and the body during times of stress and pressure. Usually unbeknownst to the subject on which the light of the moment is cast upon, the slightest movement or inflection tells an altogether different tale to the one being spoken. Such are the giveaways and tell tale signs so given to the faces of many uncomfortable and apprentice liars. Not surprisingly, the most common of these deceptions involve the face and head area.
The relatively new Wealth Creator Magazine seems to have missed the lessons against this tell. Now into its fourth issue, WCM features what at face value are rich men who are at odds with what is being said and what they themselves are trying to say.
Gerry Harvey (Harvey Norman), Domenic Carosa (Destra), Robert Kiyosaki (My Seven Rich Dads) and now Rene Rivkin (a cigar and worry beads) have all appeared on the covers to the budding entrepreneurial magazine. Each of these men, while looking down the lens of the camera (except perhaps for Kiyosaki who looks upward with optimism), are also caressing their faces in what an editor might have thought to convey a look of contemplation or rumination.
Each of these men have lived long enough to know the placement and existence of their facial structures without having to continually reassure themselves, so that image holds no water. Still, the glass of insecurity shines bright through their captured moments in archival imagery.
A fine print disclaimer reads: "We do not endorse the views, statements, claims, strategies or ideas put forward by contributors to this magazine. We are merely relaying information."
Evidence from the covers to each one of these four issues strongly support the latter exposition. The truth inevitably lies somewhere underneath it all. There's an endless story. That's the men they chose and their faces tell either a differing tale of their road to glory or they are trying to warn readers of the entirety of the magazine.
Written on Monday, 26 May 2003