The Wax Conspiracy

Digital Pregnancy Test Still Only Twinkles After Tinkle

Anyone reading the instructions from Barnacle Bill's Home Pregnancy Kit will find; "Ahoy maties! If ye water turns blue, a baby for you! If purple ye see, no baby thar be! If ye test should fail, to a doctor set sail!"

Unipath, a professional diagnostics production company, are set to clear the urinated waters of home test results with the news that they have developed a digital application, the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test, to confirm or deny pregnancy from the homely comfort of the urine stream.

The device has been developed to display an unmistakable result in words on a liquid crystal display— 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant' —so as to eliminate any false reactions driven by a result in a certain colour. The choice of wording aligns itself with the legal default of alleged perpetrators who are given the status of guilty until they are proven innocent in a court of law.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 5 September 2003

The Wax Conspiracy

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