The Wax Conspiracy

Clean-up Collection Service Begins Again

Like Scandal'us and Scott Cain before them, the newest bargain bin pop product that will be preened and sheened by the producers of Australian Idol have officially had the time set off on their yet to implode careers with the screening of Inside Idol.

Unfortunately not in anyway colonic - or even pornographic - the show, which premiered last night on TEN-10 to an audience of a weary few thousand made the closest alignment between it and the previous pop laundry acid wash otherwise known as Popstars.

The producers of the Australian Idol show wanted their show to have the distinction of finding a model with singing abilities and by way of phone votes, letting the audience decide who could perform and not on personalities. But with the new Inside Idol, that and the familiar sounding theme tune make the distinction harder as the contestants are shown weekly interacting with each other and playing to the camera, and indeed the voters, in order to garner votes. So now it is no longer about who sings for the best 30 seconds, but who appeals most to the audience when they're not singing.

Ethan Switch

Written on Friday, 26 September 2003

The Wax Conspiracy

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