The Wax Conspiracy

seven years

In seven years all the cells in the human body will have replaced themselves. At least, that’s how the story goes. The same isn’t true for the law of diminishing returns & more’s the pity: axons stretch like taffy but won’t break and it stains like tannin on ceramic.

There is no graceful exception handling or restart in safe mode; no defibrillator pads to depolarise the critical mass of the heart and CLEAR! re-establish normal sinus rhythm.

In a grotesque airport scene passengers witness the unsteady gait of one appearing to walk on stiletto heels for the first time or for the first time in a long time but by an unknown eldritch force recognise the out of the ordinary: it is an innate response, the thylacine eye for the weakest amongst a court of wallabies.

Doppler affected frequencies pull eyes from the flight status board, from expectations and imagined consummations. A quiet shudder passes from those arraigned, one to be felt more keenly by the next of kin and associated support mechanisms.

Prayers now that this can become a column headed Lessons Learned: gastric bypass, movement, a quiet life, and nothing more.

Belvedere Jehosophat

Written on Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Wax Conspiracy

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