I know we live in crazy times & I know I cite only from New Scientist, but time is of the essence, and it's about time I "did something". New Scientist magazine, thumbed though during hiatus provided me with scary thoughts of memory storage. All your childhood thoughts dreams and conversations long forgotten will soon have a place in what Microsoft wants to call "MyLifeBits" (geddit? bits! hahaha) and store these things forever. As we speak, The Bill Gates Goon Factory of hired software engineers strapped to tables are working out ways of storing every picture taken, every letter written and scarily EVERY PHONECALL. Your life can then be searched. Creepy. And I can't think of anything more futile or boring.
Which takes me to my next weird concept (again, from New Scientist (bless their sweet hearts)) involving throwing your stupid junk at the moon. That's right, shoppers, just $16.95US (that's 480 Thousand Australian Pesos) you can send an individual message to the moon. Yet for some reason, $2500 US is needed to send a business card upwards. I can't imagine who'd read a business card on the moon, but this joint Russian-Ukranian venture is sure to be inundated with takers. I'd love to hurl Wax Conspiracy Business card at the lunar surface, but the fact is we're too cheap/lazy to get them printed; much less onto a rocket - a decommissioned nuclear missile to be precise.
Baffling and astounding, we at The Wax shall always keep both of our readers in the know.
That is all.
Written on Saturday, 30 November 2002