The Wax Conspiracy

Weekend at Bernie's: Death of the sweet tasting end

Spinning scarves and headdresses of tumult, the Middle-Eastern sect of the world remains in turmoil over their undead zombie leader. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, swarmed by eternally optimistic French doctors with appropriately high tolerances to rotting flesh, operates under the clinically brain-snuffed guise of the walking dead. Buffeted with armies, the then ailing, and now unsure, state of the 75-year-old leads toward speculation that even the expired can lead revolts and holy wars.

Lighting up the shores of Australia like a colon of smack gone sour for a euthanasia spring well, Exit International's Dr Philip Nitschke is rushing for a planned backyard chemistry meet for followers very early next year. The end result is to see the faithful dead walk away from the seminar knowledgeable in the concoction of "death pills" made from over-the-counter components. A spraying of wisdom the authorities and legislation are seeking to quickly close out as they continue the denial of death by choice and even possibly, the misuse.

Boiling over from the weekend vacuum, Governor-General Michael Jeffery chimed in with Family First sponsored hints at an inquiry on the abortion debate claiming a need to trim the trimming. Generating a stir for the sake of hardlining right-to-lifers against pro-abortionists, ministers of the Howard Government cropped up backing the Major-General and his desire to inquire.

For all intents and purposes, the dead will have to please their numbers at current levels with bullet-riddled children, women and soldiers of wars and emaciated carcases borne from famine and pestilence. Suicidals and the unborn are garnering no favours from the government. The misery of the miserable in life to languish along the healthy, undetermined and senile.

Ethan Switch

Written on Tuesday, 9 November 2004

The Wax Conspiracy

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