"On the morning of Sunday 28 April 1996, a young Hobart man armed himself with three high-powered automatic firearms and a large quantity of ammunition, then drove to Port Arthur."
And ten years on, the now historic site of the Broad Arrow Cafe in Hobart remains high up on a scenic tours itinerary for the bloody trail. One in which syrup and colouring are only part of the menu. Tastes are a mere side dish with coleslaw costing extra.
Mowing down thirty five people and chipping off thirty seven onto the injuries list, Australia's very own Martin Bryant manages to hold on strong to the most bloody massacre by a single individual ever.
Currently serving twenty five life sentences for his crime, Bryant remains as alive and strong as the still standing record. Doubtful of a contender of at least within such close promixity to the decade anniversary stemming from the Apple Isle.
Written on Friday, 28 April 2006