The Wax Conspiracy

Sitting Pretty are the Dead Men and Women of War

Portrait artist Michael Reagan has found new life in the dead soldiers never to take another breath following their turns in the War Against Terrorism™. Families of servicemen taken out of the mainstream in Iraq and Afghanistan will be reminded of the absence of their loved for each portrait produced free of charge by Reagan.

Revival of his relatively quiet existence was sparked when Seattle's Evening Magazine show ran a story about Reagan's portraiture work. Cherice Johnson, gaining widow status following the death of her husband, Michael Johnson who was killed in Iraq, contacted Reagan following the broadcast and commissioned a portrait of her late spouse.

Unable to make the salesman within fire up for the sale, Reagan refused to accept any payment for the work, "Being a combat veteran that was fortunate enough to make it home has me thanking God every day," he explained. "Because I truly consider all of us that have fought or are fighting for this country brothers there just isn't any way I could charge Cherice for her husband's portrait."

Perusal and calculations based off Reagan's site would surely mark a grand re-entry into work and updating through the proliferation of dead.

Ethan Switch

Written on Tuesday, 11 May 2004

The Wax Conspiracy

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