Lost in these days of apathy and the sheltered, the need to know the neighbours in the street. With suburbs pushing faster and faster into the destruction of the surrounding lands the desire to acknowledge the faces of the community is fading with just as much momentum.
In fact, the only time that the neighbourhood watch watches is when the neighbourhood itself becomes the focus of the spotlight following the aurally deceptive sounds of directed fire or an uncontained explosion of emotions. Not to seem distant and umbrageous, character witness accounts before the almighty lens of the broadcasting cameras recall a quiet and harmonious existence with the adjacent residents.
It is a tactic used in the hope that on release from the concrete classes in sodomy the seers of light give no notice to those who thought of them reserved and kind. Far be it for them to understand that the revolution has begun without them.
The ploy of delivering the misdirected post can develop deep-seated and unwarranted hatred and conniving against those unaware of their impact. Watch out and take notice for the neighbour who insists on seeing your face as they hand over the letters that somehow ended up in their mailbox.
Written on Thursday, 8 May 2003