The Wax Conspiracy

Old Lady Goes Bumping and Grinding

If roadside flowers taped nakedly to pillars and posts are anything to go by, not everyone is cut out for life behind the wheel of a car.

On the weekend, an old caucasian geriatric went on to prove either the inherent racism coursing through her varicose veins, or that old people in general only look funny peering over the now oversized steering wheel of the many makes and models of vehicles seen on the roads.

Witness to a minor smash up, a roundabout in Sydney's West. While one car was waiting for its turn at the roundabout it was rammed gingerly like the bones of the driver committing the hump. When asked what caused the move on to the bumper of the vehicle in front the woman only gave cause to the decision to try and close off the gap between the two cars which was being exploited by the pedestrian attempting to cross to the refuge island.

While it was apparent from a side-on view that she clearly had no vision over the dashboard, little can be said for the pedestrian who could have led the senior to so much more trouble than she was prepared to handle. Possibly to the point of causing her to suffer an anxiety attack which might have also been her last.

Ethan Switch

Written on Monday, 7 July 2003

The Wax Conspiracy



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