An afternoon study has found that care should be taken when purchasing large amounts of postal mailing address. The same targeting method used to offer people high plateau credit cards and who are the least likely to be able to pay back the debt they incur.
The three year study was conducted using a single home mailing address and at least five different pseudonyms. In addition to this the details of each of the "male characters" was set up to conflict one another, the most obvious being that they each lived alone with an annual income well in excess of the final bracket.
To give flavour to the situations in which each lived a combination of lifestyle boxes was rotated and checked, in one case all of the available boxes were marked as applicable.
The findings have come to the realisation that purchasers of mailing lists do not run their own checks on the database(s) they obtain. A simple cross-reference of entries would inevitably save the posters countless savings in postage costs.
Supposedly tightly budgeted charities and non-profit organizations were among the worst offenders.
The studies will continue for a few more years.
End of 2006
Thick and heavy, the spam, mail and unsolicited offers continues to this day in a variety of the names used for this study. No let up, but at least the offerings are consistently from the same charity organisations.
End of 2008
And just like that, the trickle fizzles out and no more is said. No requests of removal were ever made and it's highly likely that through a rare case of attrition and amortisation that the names have failed to return a net.
Written on Wednesday, 12 February 2003